P003 dated 15th May 2021

Get in touch

Contact us

Public School Address

Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Public School (RCJPS)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711139 / 49 (Reception)
0484 2981124 (Landline)

Kindergarten Address

Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Kindergarten (RCJK)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711179 (Reception)
0484 2981121 (Landline)

Quotes from the Saint

“Trust your mother, God will hear the mother’s request like a baby’s request”

Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, founder of CMI Congregation

CMI Vision of Education:

To form leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, physiologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable; leaders who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace and who are ever open to further growth.

Mission of Christu Jayanthi:

To bring forth successful global citizens; spiritually upright and proud of their rich heritage; empowered with the virtues of righteousness, tolerance and love for their fellow being.