Message from Principal
From the PrincipalDear All,
RCJPS no doubt is a special place with its own values, rich traditions, ethos, culture and a repute for educational excellence. We are concerned about all aspects of our children and we enable them to develop exemplary character, a passion for lifelong learning and of-course mould them into courageous decision-makers and hence develop them into the leaders of tomorrow. We aspire to reach and teach every student entrusted with us acknowledging their own unique learning styles. As educators of ‘today’, our responsibilities do not stop with academics alone.
We are mentors, caregivers and models and we treat our students with respect and affection supporting pro-social behaviour and correcting them whenever required. Thus we hope to foster a community of responsible, ethical and caring young people, emphasing on values.
Our faculty is committed to educating beyond the mind. They are excited about being involved with them, in their lives beyond the classroom and school. Committed and truly serving, they enable our students to develop themselves in all aspects. We move on, providing absolute fine education and preparing our youth to face the emerging challenges of their lives ahead.
Mrs. Saji Varghese
Get in touch
Contact us
Public School Address
Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Public School (RCJPS)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711139 / 49 (Reception)
0484 2981124 (Landline)
Kindergarten Address
Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Kindergarten (RCJK)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711179 (Reception)
0484 2981121 (Landline)
Quotes from the Saint
“Wisdom and purity should be spiritual food like food for natural growth.”
Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, founder of CMI Congregation
CMI Vision of Education:
To form leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, physiologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable; leaders who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace and who are ever open to further growth.
Mission of Christu Jayanthi:
To bring forth successful global citizens; spiritually upright and proud of their rich heritage; empowered with the virtues of righteousness, tolerance and love for their fellow being.