Educational endeavours of the Fathers of the CMI congregation


Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Public School (RCJPS) is yet another of the many educational endeavours of the Fathers of the CMI congregation. RCJPS is ideally located in an extravagant ambience of natural beauty amidst hills and fields that can rejuvenate even the idle minds. The school campus is blessed with fine weather and a natural, pollution-free atmosphere satisfying a crucial need in today’s world for students to be able to learn, observe, introspect and contemplate in a most desirable environment. This blend of nature and infrastructure takes the students to a world of unknown learning, which makes them merge with the known facts. The establishment of the school to fulfill the motto of the CMI congregation to mould a better generation in the years to come is based on Christian values.

The school focuses on acquisition of academic skills by way of training to apply knowledge to real-life situations under the guidance of professionally competent staff to ensure the overall development of a student. The school came into existence in June 1999 and within a span of more than a decade the school has become the much sought after educational institution for the parents who are specific about a result –oriented, holistic and academic growth and development.

Get in touch

Contact us

Public School Address

Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Public School (RCJPS)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711139 / 49 (Reception)
0484 2981124 (Landline)

Kindergarten Address

Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Kindergarten (RCJK)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711179 (Reception)
0484 2981121 (Landline)

Quotes from the Saint

“Good friends will make you good”

Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, founder of CMI Congregation

CMI Vision of Education:

To form leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, physiologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable; leaders who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace and who are ever open to further growth.

Mission of Christu Jayanthi:

To bring forth successful global citizens; spiritually upright and proud of their rich heritage; empowered with the virtues of righteousness, tolerance and love for their fellow being.