
RCJPS follows the CBSE syllabus and the medium of instruction is English.

As per the CBSE directives,a uniform system of assessment and examination pattern and issue of report cards followed for Classes VI-X.

Keeping in mind,the provision of the Right to education Act,the scheme for Classes VI-VIII has been designed on Term Assessment basis with gradual increase in the learning and assessment as the students move forward.This would prepare students to cover the whole syllabus of the academic year and face the challenge of Class X Board examination.

With the objective of ensuring holistic development of our students, the school gives importance to activities inside and outside the class rooms. The school observes Wednesday as ‘Activity Day’ for the primary section (class I-V). We understand that a good education involves the whole child, thus opportunities beyond the classroom are an essential part of the educational experience. By providing opportunities to participate in activities that engage students in sports, arts (visual and performing) and expanded academic offerings, our students discover new ways of experiencing their world and develop individual strengths.

For students from primary to high school, RCJPS provides an extensive after school program to complement and enhance the curriculum. Programs are available to suit the interests and needs of all our students. We offer a variety of Extended Day Activities during the school year that reflect the fabulous diversity of our students.

We aim to:

    • Develop communication skills through playful written and oral work, activities are there in French and English.
    • Provide a quality sports program through training, enabling students to discover new sports and improve athletic ability.
    • Field trips are organized for various classes every year to enhance learning through experience.

Get in touch

Contact us

Public School Address

Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Public School (RCJPS)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711139 / 49 (Reception)
0484 2981124 (Landline)

Kindergarten Address

Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Kindergarten (RCJK)
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi
Kerala - 682 039
9745711179 (Reception)
0484 2981121 (Landline)

Quotes from the Saint

“Go to school regularly and recall to mind what is taught during the week”

Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, founder of CMI Congregation

CMI Vision of Education:

To form leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, physiologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable; leaders who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace and who are ever open to further growth.

Mission of Christu Jayanthi:

To bring forth successful global citizens; spiritually upright and proud of their rich heritage; empowered with the virtues of righteousness, tolerance and love for their fellow being.